Keynote: NZIA 2024 Gold Medalist

Conference, Seymour Centre

Session Partner: Dulux
Session 4A (S4A)

When: 4:00pm-5:00pm, Saturday, 03 May
Where: York Theatre, Seymour Centre, University of Sydney

The Gold Medal is the highest honour Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects confers to those working in architecture in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The annual award recognises those who make an outstanding contribution to the practice of architecture through a consistently high-quality body of work over a period of time. Last year, Professor Deidre Brown (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu) was awarded the 2023 Gold Medal. In 2019, Dr Brown’s appointment as Head of Te Pare School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland made her the first Indigenous woman in the world to hold such a position. Dr Brown’s appointment also marked 30 years since she began studying architecture at the school, where – in her first crit – she was told to ‘leave Māori architecture on the marae where it belonged’. Her response was to do the opposite.

The 2024 Gold Medal recipient will be announced on 5 March.