Barnaby Bennett

Dr Barnaby Bennett is a designer, researcher and writer. He has worked in post-disaster and under-developed communities in Sri Lanka, Vancouver, Johannesburg, Samoa, and Christchurch. His PhD thesis (UTS) examined the relationship between activism, infrastructure and temporary urban projects in post-disaster Christchurch.

In 2019 Barnaby worked with Dongsei Kim (NYIT), with support from UTS, to create an exhibition for the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism titled Organising Enchantment: Collective Responses to Urban Trauma. Barnaby was Creative Director of the 2019 Sydney Architecture Festival and Creative Director of the main event at Christchurch’s Festival of Transitional Architecture in 2018.

Between 2007 and 2010 he worked on the Sagrada Familia project with Professor Mark Burry at RMIT. He has taught many Masters level architecture and landscape design studios at RMIT and UTS, predominantly examining the role of time in architecture. He has been widely published in both scholarly and popular mediums including Volume, Huffington Post, Architecture NZ, Architecture Design Review, Foreground, The Conversation, and The Journal of Public Space. Barnaby is also a co-founder and director of Freerange Press.
